Drew Davidson

Associate Professor, University of Kansas EECS

Contact About News Publications CV



  • Email: drewdavidson@ku
  • Twitter: @drewdavidsonku


I am a computer scientist broadly focused on security and privacy. I'm currently working on software supply chain security, blockchain technology and security for autonomous systems.


September 2024
I'll be presenting a poster on my lab's work on enhancing security and utility for those who exclusively use public computers at the SaTC PI meeting in Pittsburg, PA from September 3rd - September 5th. Come say hi! (Conference Website)
August 2024
I'll be presenting a poster on some collaborative work with my colleagues in cognitive science and geology on developing and applying automatic QA/QC analysis to data in the StraboSpot geologic information system. Come say hi!
August 2024
Our paper, "Web-Armour: Mitigating Reconnaissance and Vulnerability Scanning with Scan-Impeding Delays in Web Deployments" has been accepted at ACSAC 2024.


The best list of my publications is maintained automatically through DBLP. My page is here